Service and Repairs of electronics
Service ans Repairs of electronics
Service of electronics armoires for sewing machines
(Efka, Juki, Pffaf, Brother, Ho Shing, Quick-Rotan...)
Repairs of component parts for sewing and vending machines
Electronics armories,motors, programators,electronics circuits and other components
Industrial electronics
Service of other and industrial electronics

Repairment of autoelectronics
Audio,Video Service
Service Audio,Video ,HI-FI, DVD...
Electronics circuits
Production,designing and making of electronic circuit
Service and repairs of partable,personal , component parts ...
Electric Tools and devices
Service of all kind of tools by world known brands.
Service of electronics armoires for sewing machines
(Efka, Juki, Pffaf, Brother, Ho Shing, Quick-Rotan...)
Sewing machines and equipment

Component parts on stock
We have different complets of component parts for sewing machines(sinhronisators,motors,pedals,electronics programers...)on stock

Policy of servicing
Our services are well made and proffesional done.During the service we make all the tests needed,so we check functions of electronics armoires and other component parts.This testing is done in sewing machines in our workroom,from original testers of producers,and on some of our own aparats.We put in original parts.

Technical support

We are on client's side for any questiones or saiving of problems.We are making this ower the telephone or e-mails.

Area of servicing electronics armoires
We are covering this area since 1985 and till today.At firs we managed the lands of EX-YOU,but when the breakup accoured,we stayed just in Slovenia.This former market opened up and again you can see us in Croatia,BIH,Serbia...We expended our bussines also in Hungary and spriding toward the estern members of EU.

We make and rotate the electromagnets